1 package IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter;
8 use Time::HiRes qw<usleep>;
10 use Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter;
11 use base qw<Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter>;
15 IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter - Base class for IPC::MorseSignals emitters.
23 our $VERSION = '0.17';
27 Due to the POSIX signals specification (which I wasn't aware of at the time I wrote this module), this module is by nature completely unreliable and will never work properly.
28 It is therefore B<deprecated>.
29 Please don't use it (if you were actually crazy enough to use it).
33 use IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter;
35 my $deuce = IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter->new(speed => 1024);
36 $deuce->post('HLAGH') for 1 .. 3;
41 This module sends messages processed by an underlying L<Bit::MorseSignal> emitter to another process as a sequence of C<SIGUSR1> (for bits 0) and C<SIGUSR2> (for 1) signals.
46 croak 'First argument isn\'t a valid ' . __PACKAGE__ . ' object'
47 unless ref $_[0] and $_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__);
54 my $ime = IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter->new(
60 Creates a new emitter object.
61 C<delay> specifies the delay between two sends, in seconds, while C<speed> is the number of bits sent per second.
62 The delay value has priority over the speed, and defaults to 1 second.
63 Extra arguments are passed to L<Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter/new>.
69 $class = ref $class || $class || return;
70 croak 'Optional arguments must be passed as key => value pairs' if @_ % 2;
72 # delay supersedes speed
73 my $delay = delete $opts{delay}; # fractional seconds
74 if (!defined $delay) {
75 my $speed = delete $opts{speed} || 0; # bauds
77 $delay = abs(1 / $speed) if $speed;
79 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts);
80 $self->{delay} = abs($delay || 1 + 0.0);
88 Sends messages enqueued with L<Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter/post> to the process C<$pid> (or to all the C<@$pid> if C<$pid> is an array reference, in which case duplicated targets are stripped off).
93 my ($self, $dest) = @_;
95 return unless defined $dest;
97 my @dests = grep $_ > 0 && !$count{$_}++, # Remove duplicates.
98 ref $dest eq 'ARRAY' ? map int, grep defined, @$dest
100 return unless @dests;
101 while (defined(my $bit = $self->pop)) {
102 my @sigs = (SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2);
103 my $d = $self->{delay} * 1_000_000;
104 $d -= usleep $d while $d > 0;
105 kill $sigs[$bit] => @dests;
111 my $delay = $ime->delay;
112 $ime->delay($seconds);
114 Returns the current delay in seconds, or set it if an argument is provided.
119 my ($self, $delay) = @_;
121 $self->{delay} = abs $delay if $delay and $delay += 0.0;
122 return $self->{delay};
127 my $speed = $ime->speed;
130 Returns the current speed in bauds, or set it if an argument is provided.
135 my ($self, $speed) = @_;
137 $self->{delay} = 1 / (abs $speed) if $speed and $speed = int $speed;
138 return int(1 / $self->{delay});
143 IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter objects also inherit methods from L<Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter>.
147 An object module shouldn't export any function, and so does this one.
151 L<Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter>.
153 L<Carp> (standard since perl 5), L<POSIX> (idem) and L<Time::HiRes> (since perl 5.7.3) are required.
157 L<IPC::MorseSignals>, L<IPC::MorseSignals::Receiver>.
159 L<Bit::MorseSignals>, L<Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter>, L<Bit::MorseSignals::Receiver>.
161 L<perlipc> for information about signals in perl.
163 For truly useful IPC, search for shared memory, pipes and semaphores.
167 Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at profvince.com> >>, L<http://www.profvince.com>.
169 You can contact me by mail or on C<irc.perl.org> (vincent).
173 Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-ipc-morsesignals-emitter at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=IPC-MorseSignals>.
174 I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
178 You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
180 perldoc IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter
184 Copyright 2007,2008,2013,2017 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
186 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
187 under the same terms as Perl itself.
191 1; # End of IPC::MorseSignals::Emitter